Customer Testimonials
Customer Testimonials
Read What Our Customers Think ...

Steve, THANK YOU for providing replacement parts for the Misty Bird Baths - very convenient.
- Bonnie L.

I ordered the wall hanging bird feeder a few weeks ago and had it sent to Connecticut, to my sister for Christmas. She says it beautiful and really loves it and is very happy with quality.
- Sue K.
I just wanted to let you know that I have enjoyed working with you and your company. You kept me up to date on my order. My husband was surprised (probably because I could get on-line and actually order something as I am tech. challenged) to receive the two duck houses for Christmas. They look great out on our dock and we are awaiting the arrival of the wood ducks and their off-spring later on this year. Thanks again for making our Christmas so special. I have spoken highly of your company and service to many already. We will do business in the future. Again thanks
- Karen H.

Hello - the bee lodge arrived last week and it is wonderful. Just perfect. Thank you for your great attention in making sure my order arrived. In the spring, can I order bees from your website? Or do you know where I may do so? Thanks again!
- Cindy S.


Thanks for the information. Too bad I didn't find you earlier. I am a very avid birder and a bit of a gadget freak. I own Nikon SE 8x32, which is one of the great masterpieces among porro-prism bins. After much research and reading lately I decided the 804ED might be the only other bin in the same category.
- Jonathan B.


I just wanted to say wow. Got our shipment the very next day after ordering! Never had that happen before. Thank you!
- Bob


The bat condos you sent me were great! I need 4 more. Please send me an invoice for 4 more and I will get a check to you right away.
- Kathy L.


Hi Steve - Thanks, got it. I appreciate your concern. Great customer service.
- Byron T.


I received my bird feeder on the weekend. It is gorgeous. Thanks
- Cindy D.


You have been great to deal with. Blessings to you as well.
- Susan K.